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A double storey rear extension with internal alterations

Adapting the internal circulation allowed for the expansion and modernisation of this 1930’s 4-bedroomed house into a 5-bedroomed extended home.

Part removal the stair wall allows for movement and vision links between the house and the new accommodation. Stepped access is required into the kitchen/dining area and master suite above. A pair of high-performance folding doors ensures safe level access into the west facing garden while providing maximum daylight deep into the open plan space. To respect the scale and volume of the roofscape, extended eaves and ridge heights are continuous. A cat slide roof is employed reducing the additions mass along the boundary line while removing overshadowing or overlooking possibilities. An openable rooflight is suggested to the en-suite with sloping ceilings over the master bedroom. A large window is provided. Highly insulated walls match the main house with brickwork, render and clay tile hanging.

A Householders Application achieved Planning Consent under delegated powers. Construction works commenced under a Building Notice submitted by the builder/client. A Party Wall Agreement was put in place and a CDM Checklist was issued to the builder. The builder client is carrying out the construction works.

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